Photography by @wombat37

Buy prints

You can buy high-quality prints of any of the photographs on this site. They are normally available in two sizes –

  • 16″x12″ glossy or ‘lustre’ prints (which look SPLENDID when framed) for £20 each.
  • 8″ x 6″ smaller size, price £8 each, or five for £35.
  • prices include P&P for UK peeps.
  • Other sizes are available on request. If your required image is of unusual proportions, this will normally be accommodated in the print by the addition of white or black margins.
  • If you want to buy your print already framed, let me know and we can negotiate a price.

If you’re outside the UK, P&P will be charged at whatever it costs me to send the items to you.

To Order please fill in the form below or simply DM me on Twitter with your email address and I’ll email you back with Paypal payment details. Please state which titles and what sizes you would like in the “Your Comments” field.

Your prints will NOT have the copyright notice on.

If you any have problems, questions, suggestions or comments please contact me using any of the methods on the “About” page.